Item Coversheet


Item Title:Proposed Reorganization of the Existing Structure of the Student Scholarships Awarded to Graduating Seniors District-Wide (10 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information

At the August 12, 2014 board meeting, the Board took action to open Fund 73 Scholarship Fund. 

There are nine various scholarships in AUSD, and two awards given to teachers and departments.  The scholarships range in balances from $760.17 to $119,435.10. Five of the scholarships award the interest earned that year.  With the recession and with some scholarships with low balances, those June 2014 awards ranged from $50 to $15 to $8, with past years being as low as $2.50 for the student. There are three scholarships with awards so low that they have been refused by the sites. One scholarship cannot be awarded, as it is to go to a Matsick/Washington student. Another award goes to a Chipman student and has not been awarded since 2009-2010.

The AUSD Board is the trustee of the scholarships.  Through board action, staff can reorganize the current scholarships to create a more meaningful scholarship structure and still maintain the intent behind the original scholarship.

AUSD staff proposes the new structure, including moving all existing and future scholarships to Fund 73 Scholarship Fund.  The proposed structure includes increasing some of the amounts, as well as combining some of the smaller awards into larger awards.  

Goals:Build nonprofit, business and philanthropic partnerships
Fund Codes: 
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Department Budget:
Recommendation:This item is presented for information only.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.
Submitted By:Robert Clark, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer

DescriptionUpload DateType
Scholarship Matrix10/22/2014Backup Material
Scholarship Matrix with Proposed Changes10/22/2014Backup Material