April 14, 2015 - 6:30 PM

Alameda City Hall

2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501

Regular meetings held in Council Chambers will be recorded and broadcast live on Comcast, Channel 15


The Board of Education will meet for Closed Session and to discuss labor negotiations, student discipline, personnel matters, litigation, and other matters as provided under California State law and set forth on the agenda below. Following Closed Session, the Board reconvenes to Public Session. Adjournment of the Public Session will be no later than 10:30 PM for all regular and special meetings, unless extended by a majority vote of the Board.

Writings relating to a board meeting agenda item that are distributed to at least a majority of the Board members less than 72 hours before the noticed meeting, and that are public records not otherwise exempt from disclosure, will be available for inspection at the District administrative offices, 2060 Challenger Drive, Alameda, CA. Such writings may also be available on the District's website. (Govt Code 54957.5b).

Individuals who require special accommodations (American Sign Language interpreter, accessible seating, documentation in accessible format, etc.) should contact Mag Tatum, Manager of Board of Education Operations, at 337-7187 no later than 48 hours preceding the meeting.


Please submit a "Request to Address the Board" slip to Mag Tatum, Manager of Board of Education Operations, prior to the introduction of the item. For meeting facilitation, please submit the slip at your earliest possible convenience. Upon recognition by the President of the Board, please come to the podium and identify yourself prior to speaking. The Board of Education reserves the right to limit speaking time to three (3) minutes or fewer per individual. Speakers are permitted to yield their time to one other speaker, however no one speaker shall have more than four (4) minutes.
Closed Session Items: may be addressed under Public Comment on Closed Session Topics.

Non Agenda and Consent Items:
may be addressed under Public Comments.

Agenda Items:
may be addressed under either Public Comments or General Business after the conclusion of the staff presentation on the item.
VIDEO1.PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION TOPICS: The Board of Education reserves the right to limit public comment to 10 minutes.

ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 PM - to discuss:

Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Pursuant to Section 54956.8
(1) Property: Parcel 3 of the Former Alameda Air Naval Station (240 & 250 Singleton Avenue)
Agency Negotiators: Sean McPhetridge, Superintendent and Chad Pimentel, General Counsel
Negotiating Parties: United States Department of Education: Federal Real Property Division
Under Negotiation: Property Use Agreement

Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release - Pursuant to Subdivision 54957

Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Subdivision 54957.6 
Agency designated representatives: Timothy Erwin, Chief Human Resources Officer and Chad Pimentel, General Counsel
Employee organizations: AEA, CSEA27, and CSEA860

VIDEOB.MODIFICATION(S) OF THE AGENDA - The Board may change the order of business including, but not limited to, an announcement that an agenda item will be considered out of order, that consideration of an item has been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and possible action
VIDEO1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES - minutes from the March 24, 2015 Board Meeting
VIDEO1.Highlighting Alameda Schools - Bay Farm Elementary
VIDEO2.Employee(s) of the Month
VIDEO3.WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - Written correspondence regarding an agenda item that is distributed to a majority of Board Members is shared.
VIDEO4.REPORT OF STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS - Student Board Members may make announcements or provide information to the Board and the Public in the form of an oral report. The Board will not take action on such items.
VIDEO5.SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT - The Superintendent of Schools may make announcements or provide information to the Board and Public in the form of an oral report. The Board will not take action on such items.
VIDEO6.BOARD MEMBER'S REPORT - The Board of Education Members may make announcements or provide information to the Public in the form of an oral report. The Board will not take action on such items.
VIDEO7.REPORT FROM EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS: Representatives from the District's employee organizations may make announcements or provide information to the Board and Public in the form of a brief oral report. The Board will not take action on such items. Alameda Education Association (AEA); California School Employees Association Chapter 27 (CSEA 27); California School Employees Association Chapter 860 (CSEA 860).
VIDEO8.PUBLIC COMMENTS - Members of the public may address the Board on Consent Calendar Items, Agenda and Non-Agenda items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. However, speakers who have already spoken on an Agenda item during Communications will not be entitled to speak to that item under General Business. Public comments are limited to 30 minutes under this item. Any remaining comments will be heard under G.
VIDEO1.Classified Personnel Actions
VIDEO2.Certificated Personnel Actions
VIDEO3.Proclamation: John Muir Day, April 21
VIDEO4.Proclamation: Day of Silence, April 17
VIDEO5.Approval of Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
VIDEO6.Approval and Acceptance of Donations
VIDEO7.Ratification of Contracts Executed Pursuant to Board Policy 3300
VIDEO8.Resolution No.2014-2015.70 Approval of Budget Transfers, Increases, Decreases
VIDEO9.Approval of Bill Warrants and Payroll Registers
VIDEO10.Approval of Measure I Bond Program Schedule - Option 5A
VIDEO11.Approval of Lincoln Middle, Wood Middle, and Jr. Jets Close-Up Capital Experience Program Field Trip May14 through May 22, 2015 in Washington D.C.
VIDEO12.Approval of Alameda High School Jazz Festival field trip from April 24 through April 26, 2015 to Reno, Nevada
VIDEO13.Approval of the Phase II Ruby Bridges Window Repair Construction Project
VIDEO14.Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Colleges and Universities for Student Teacher Interns: St. Mary's College
VIDEO15.Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Alameda Unified School District and Contra Costa County Office of Education BTSA Induction Program
VIDEO16.Approval of Secondary Course Descriptions
VIDEO17.Approval to Accept Master Agreement between the Alameda Unified School District and Quattrocchi Kwok Architects for Measure I Bond Program Architectural Services
VIDEOF.GENERAL BUSINESS – Informational reports and action items are presented under General Business. The public may comment on each item listed under General Business as the item is taken up. The Board reserves the right to limit public comment on General Business items to ten (10) minutes per item. The Board may, with the consent of persons representing both sides of an issue, allocate a block of time to each side to present their issue.
VIDEO1.Proclamation: Earth Week and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Alameda Unified School District and Annual Report for Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) and Presentation of the Energy Consumption Report (15 Mins/Action)
VIDEO2.AUSD 2015-2016 Budget and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP): Adoption Process Calendar (15 mins/Action)
VIDEO3.Approval of Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (5 Mins/Action)
VIDEO4.Resolution No. 2014-2015.73 Authorizing the Issuance of Alameda Unified School District (Alameda, CA) 2015 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (5 mins/Action)
VIDEO5.Resolution No. 2014-2015.72 Authorization of the Board of Education of the Alameda Unified School District, Alameda County, California, Authorizing the Issuance of Alameda Unified School District (Alameda County, CA) Election of 2014 General Obligation Bonds, Series A, and Actions Related Thereto (5 mins/Action)