Item Coversheet


Item Title:AUSD's Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (20 Mins/Public Hearing/Information)
Item Type:Information

Senate Bill 98 removed the requirement for the LCAP for the 2020–21 school year and established the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP).

The purpose of the LCP is to memorialize the planning process already underway for the 202021 school year which includes descriptions of the following:

  • Addressing gaps in learning;

  • Conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement;

  • Maintaining transparency;

  • Addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness;

  • Providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning;

  • Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being; and,

  • Continuing to provide school meals for students.


The Statute requires that a school district (also called a LEA) hold a Public Hearing for review and comment on the Learning Continuity Plan. The LCP will be made available on the Educational Services web page.


The Statue requires that the LCP be adopted at a subsequent public Board meeting. Staff will bring back this item for the Board's approval on September 22, 2020.

AUSD LCAP Goals:1. Eliminate barriers to student success and maximize learning time.| 2a. Support all students in becoming college and career ready.| 2b. Support all English Learners (ELs) in becoming college and career ready.| 3. Support parent/guardian development as knowledgeable partners and effective advocates for student success.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:This item is presented for information and will return to the Board for approval at a subsequent meeting.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#1 - All students have the ability to achieve academic and personal success.| #2 - Teachers must challenge and support all students to reach their highest academic and personal potential.| #3 - Administrators must have the knowledge, leadership skills and ability to ensure student success.| #4 - Parental involvement and community engagement are integral to student success.| #5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.
Submitted By:Sara Stone, Chief Academic Officer

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Presentation: Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan9/4/2020Presentation
Alameda Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 9.8.209/4/2020Backup Material