Item Coversheet


Item Title:Update on AUSD's Remote Learning Program (15 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information

Staff continue to receive concerns from families about the Remote Learning Program curriculum, Edmentum, and the program in general. Staff continue to respond urgently  to these concerns and are continuing to refine the overall Remote Program to meet the needs of students.


On October 27, 2020 the Board of Education was presented an update on the concerns that had been raised by the community, and how those concerns had been addressed. Several public comments were received and there was robust Board discussion.


Staff  were directed to gather more information, make further adjustments, and bring back this item to the November 10 Board of Education meeting.

AUSD LCAP Goals:1. Eliminate barriers to student success and maximize learning time.| 2a. Support all students in becoming college and career ready.| 2b. Support all English Learners (ELs) in becoming college and career ready.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:This item is presented for information only.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#1 - All students have the ability to achieve academic and personal success.| #2 - Teachers must challenge and support all students to reach their highest academic and personal potential.
Submitted By:Sara Stone, Chief Academic Officer

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Presentation: Update on AUSD's Remote Learning Program_11.10.2011/4/2020Presentation