The District has been working toward selling certain real property located at 700 West Essex Drive, Alameda, CA 94501 and 2615 Eagle Drive, Alameda, CA 94501 (hereinafter the “Properties”).
On June 23, 2020, and again at a public hearing on August, 25, 2020, the Board approved resolutions finding that the Properties are surplus to the District’s needs and determining that the Properties are “exempt surplus” pursuant to Government Code sections 54220 et seq. The Board also authorized the filing of a waiver application with the State Board of Education, so that the District could sell the Properties using a public Request for Proposals process.
On November 5, 2020, the State Board of Education approved the District's waiver application. As a result, the District may utilize an RFP process to sell the Properties.
Certain procedures must still be followed, including (1) adopting a resolution indicating the District's intent to sell the property, (2) offering the property for sale at fair market value to certain public entities, (3) soliciting proposals to purchase the property from interested members of the public, and (4) posting related public notices.
Staff is recommending the adoption of Resolution No. 2020-2021.24 which would declare the District's intent to sell the Properties, and would authorize the Superintendent (or designee) to issue a Request for Proposals for the Properties.
Through the Resolution, the Board would reserve the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. Any agreement for the purchase of the Property would be brought back to the Board for final approval.