Item Coversheet


Item Title:Update on Homework/Makeup Work Policy (10 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information

The Homework Workgroup was convened in Spring 2017 following stakeholder interest in reviewing district policies, particularly with regard to quantity of total homework and consistency across classrooms and school sites. After engaging stakeholders, reviewing research, and reviewing model policies, the workgroup developed a draft policy revision that was presented to the Board in June 2018.


This policy was made available in 2018-19 for additional stakeholder input. Following input and further workgroup discussion, the draft was revised substantially. Reports to the Board were made throughout the process, with the workgroup’s recommendations for revisions to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6154 (Homework/Makeup Work) and establishment of an additional exhibit (E6154) being brought to the Board for approval on June 26, 2019.


The proposed revisions would maintain the current overall structure of the policy with established parameters guiding the development of site-specific homework policies. The proposed exhibit would provide a template for sites to reference in their individual processes. The approved homework policies were piloted in 2019-20 with a plan to report and recommend next steps to the Board in the Spring of 2020. Full implementation of the pilot was interrupted due to schools moving into remote/distance learning in March 2020. AUSD's homework/makeup work minutes were also adjusted during this interim.


Tonight's update provides guidelines for a revised implementation plan with a final recommendation to the Board in June 2022.

AUSD LCAP Goals:1. Eliminate barriers to student success and maximize learning time.| 2a. Support all students in becoming college and career ready.| 2b. Support all English Learners (ELs) in becoming college and career ready.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:This item is presented for information only.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#1 - All students have the ability to achieve academic and personal success.| #2 - Teachers must challenge and support all students to reach their highest academic and personal potential.
Submitted By:Kirsten Zazo, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services

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Presentation: Update on Homework/Makeup Work Policy_11.9.2111/3/2021Presentation