Several Board Members have expressed interest in renaming the Woodstock Child Development Center after Board Member Ardella Dailey.
BP and AR 7310, “Naming of Facility”, dictate the criteria for and steps involved in renaming a school facility.
Those steps include:
- Initiating a review of the existing name
- Meeting with the school community
- Initiating the renaming process
- Convening a Renaming Committee
- Holding school community meetings to solicit new names
- Conducting a community survey on proposed new names
- Recommending a new name to the Board of Education
- Holding a 60-day public comment period
- Board approval of the new name
At its August 23, 2022 meeting, the Board of Education directed staff to initiate a review of WCDC’s existing name. This step included a review of the current relevance of the name by the Superintendent, as well as the organization of three meetings with WCDC communities and staff.
Tonight’s presentation covers this review of the existing name and the timeline of next steps, the most immediate of which is to initiate the formal renaming process.