Home-to-School (HTS) Transportation Reimbursement was implemented by Assembly Bill (AB) 181 (Chapter 52, Statutes of 2022) and amended by AB 185 (Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022). It provides reimbursement funding for school districts based on the prior year's eligible transportation expenditures and prior year Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) transportation-related add-on funding.
The first year's plan, due in April 2023, is intended to address the current transportation program in the 2022-23 fiscal/school year. The plan describes the prioritized transportation services it will offer its identified pupils in the 2023-24 fiscal/school year. Future year plans would address the following fiscal/school year.
Alameda Unified spent $2.35 million on home-to-school transportation in the fiscal/school year 2021-22. Approval of this plan would allow the district to claim 60% of the previous year's home-to-school transportation expenditures.