Item Title: | Approval of Second Interim Financial Report (10 Mins/Action) |
Item Type: | Action |
Background: |
Twice during the fiscal year, a school district is required to submit a financial report certifying the district's ability to meet its financial obligations for the current year and two subsequent years. The reports examine the district's attendance, spending patterns, fund balance, reserve for economic uncertainties, and multi-year projections. Staff will present the 2022-2023 Second Interim which reports the district's financial position as of January 31, 2023.
AUSD LCAP Goals: | 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services. |
Fund Codes: | |
Fiscal Analysis
Amount (Savings) (Cost): |
The submitted report will become the District's revised spending plan for 2022-2023. |
Recommendation: | Approve as submitted. |
| |
AUSD Guiding Principle: | #5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles. |
Submitted By: | Shariq Khan, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services |