Item Coversheet


Item Title:Interview of Candidates for Provisional Appointment to fill Vacant Board Seat (120 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information

With the recent resignation former Board Vice President Megan Sweet on October 26th, there is currently a vacant seat on the Board of Education. Education Code gives the Board two options for filling the vacant seat: calling a special election, or appointing an applicant. At its Special meeting on November 3rd, the Board voted unanimously to use the appointment method to make a provisional appointment of a new Board member who will fill former Board Vice President Sweet's vacancy on the Board until the end of her term, which is November, 2024.


Applications for the vacant seat were made available to the public on November 6th. Applications were due back by 5pm on December 6th. Eleven people applied for the position. The eleven candidates are (in alphabetical order):


  1. Joyce Boyd
  2. Lee Conway
  3. Marnie Curry
  4. Dan Hurst
  5. Shulin Lin
  6. Barb McClung
  7. David Nelsen
  8. Elena Rivkin (application withdrawn)
  9. Margie Sherratt
  10. Jeff Smith
  11. Alanna (Alex) Spehr




  • Candidates who are able to attend the in-person meeting will give a three-minute opening statement (names will be drawn randomly to determine the order).
  • Each candidate will answer a question posed by the Board in reverse order of opening statements. 
  • After the question and answers, Board President Heather Little will open the meeting for public comment.
  • Public comments will be limited to 2 minutes for each public speaker.
  • Board President Little will give closing remarks.
  • The meeting will adjourn.


At its regularly scheduled Board meeting on December 12th:


  • The Board will discuss and deliberate with the hope of coming to a consensus on a candidate to be appointed as a provisional Board member.
  • The provisional Board member will be sworn in at the Board's January 9th meeting.


AUSD LCAP Goals:1. Eliminate barriers to student success and maximize learning time.| 2a. Support all students in becoming college and career ready.| 2b. Support all English Learners (ELs) in becoming college and career ready.| 3. Support parent/guardian development as knowledgeable partners and effective advocates for student success.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):


The Board will interview candidates for provisional appointment of a new Board of Education member. The Board will take action to select a candidate at it's December 12th Board meeting. 

AUSD Guiding Principle:#1 - All students have the ability to achieve academic and personal success.| #2 - Teachers must challenge and support all students to reach their highest academic and personal potential.| #3 - Administrators must have the knowledge, leadership skills and ability to ensure student success.| #4 - Parental involvement and community engagement are integral to student success.| #5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.| #7 - All employees must receive respectful treatment and professional support to achieve district goals.
Submitted By:Board of Education

DescriptionUpload DateType
Board Candidate Application Joyce Boyd_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Lee Conway_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Marnie Curry_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Dan Hurst_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Shulin Lin_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Barbara McClung_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application David Nelsen_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Margie Sherratt_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Jeff Smith_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material
Board Candidate Application Alex Spehr_Redacted12/6/2023Backup Material