Item Coversheet


Item Title:2017-2018: Budget Adoption Process: Review of Program Allocations (10 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information

The District’s Categorical Programs provide a variety of school services that are specially funded by the Federal or State government.  Federal and State Categorical Programs were created by the legislators to serve the special needs of students that are not covered by general fund regular education programs.  All categorical funding that schools receive will in addition be accounted for in their Single Plan for Student Achievement.


The presentation will recommend budgets for the following Federal Programs:


        Title I Part A Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected

        Title II Part A Teacher Quality         
        Title III Immigrant Education Program

        Title III Limited English Proficiency

        Title X McKinney Vento Homeless Education
        Special Education-Federal


The presentation will recommend budgets for the following State Programs:


         After School Education and Safety

         Restricted Lottery
         Special Education - State

         Career Technical Education Incentive Grant



Public Hearings on the Comprehensive Budget proposal and the LCAP are scheduled on June 13, 2017.  The 2017-2018 Budget and LCAP will be presented to the Board for adoption on the June 27, 2017.

*NOTE: Supporting documentation will be provided at Board Meeting.
Goals:Routine Matter
Fund Codes: 
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Department Budget:
Recommendation:This item is presented for information and will return to the Board for approval at a subsequent meeting.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.
Submitted By:Shariq Khan, Chief Business Officer