Item Coversheet


Item Title:Long-Term Facilities Use Agreement with Academy of Alameda Charter Middle School and Academy of Alameda Charter Elementary School (10 Mins/Action)
Item Type:Action

Education Code section 47614 and its implementing regulations at 5 C.C.R. 11969 (known as “Proposition 39”) require school districts to offer charter schools space in district school buildings. Charter schools receive space in district buildings based on the number of in-district students they are projected to enroll and the amount of space allocated to comparable district schools serving the same grade levels as the charter schools. Two Alameda charter schools, Academy of Alameda Charter Elementary Schools and Academy of Alameda Charter Middle School, are eligible for District space under Proposition 39. The schools are currently co-located with the District’s Adult School on the District’s Chipman Campus.


At its February 14, 2017 meeting, the Board approved a preliminary offer of space for the AoA schools in their current location at Chipman. The Academy disputed that offer, noting that its elementary program is continuing to phase in, and asserted an entitlement to all space at Chipman. The Academy and the District have had similar disputes in past years.


At the Board’s direction, staff has since been in negotiations with the Academy regarding a possible alternative agreement that would preserve space at Chipman for the District’s Adult School in the short-term, provide for a long-term facilities solution for Adult School, and create certainty regarding the AoA schools’ future enrollment and facilities entitlement.


Ultimately, the parties agreed to bring the attached ten-year alternative agreement to their respective boards for approval. The agreement would preserve space at Chipman for the Adult School for up to two years and create a new revenue stream for the District that could finance a long-term site for Adult School. AoA would also agree to enrollment limitations. In return, the AoA schools would be located at the Chipman Campus for the next ten years, with exclusive use for eight years. Title to the Chipman Campus would remain with the District.

Goals:Optimize enrollment/Compliance with state law mandate.
Fund:General Fund| Categorical Funds
Fund Codes: 
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

The District would charge the AoA Charter Schools a fee equal to 3% of the total revenue they receive under the state Local Control Funding Formula plus an additional $31,000 per year for thirteen years. Revenue received by District would vary based on enrollment. The District would incur some up-front cost when relocating the Adult School program to the Longfellow Campus over the next two school years; over time, these costs can be largely defrayed by the Academy's payments and Adult Education money unrelated to the General Fund.
Department Budget:N/A
Recommendation:Approve as submitted.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.
Submitted By:Chad Pimentel, General Counsel

DescriptionUpload DateType
AOA Alternative Facilities Use Presentation4/21/2017Presentation
AOA Long-Term Use Agreement4/21/2017Backup Material