Item Coversheet


Item Title:Approval of Project Award of Paden Elementary Measure I Bond Construction Pursuant to Request for Proposal Dated November 14, 2017
Item Type:Action

On October 24, 2017, the Board of Trustees (“Board”) approved Resolution No. 2017-2018.22 and adopted the procedures for evaluating qualifications of lease leaseback contractors in accordance with the recently enacted Assembly Bill (“AB”) 2316, which amends Sections 17400 and 17406 of the Education Code and provides a new statutory framework for the solicitation and award of lease-leaseback contracts. Under these newly enacted provisions, lease-leaseback contracts must be solicited and awarded to the proposer providing the best value to the District pursuant to a competitive request for qualifications and proposal process as set forth in AB 2316. 


On November 14, 2017, the District issued a Request to Prequalify and for Statement of Qualifications for Preliminary and Construction Services (“RFQ”) in accordance with Education Code section 17406. The District’s intent was to create a pool of qualified contractors that the District intends to maintain for two (2) years from which proposals on certain projects will be solicited. District staff advertised and issued that RFQ, which identified all criteria that the District would consider in evaluating the proposals and qualifications of the proposers. The RFQ also included a Request for Proposals to construct each of the Projects.


A total of five firms submitted prequalification packets. Their submissions were scored and each of the five firms qualified to be placed in the pool of qualified contractors.


Two of the qualified contractors, Lathrop Construction Associates and Alten Construction, submitted proposals for the Projects. On January 9 and 10, 2018, both firms were interviewed. Based upon the proposals submitted and the interviews conducted, it was determined that Alten Construction provided the best value for the Paden Elementary Measure I Modernization project. 

AUSD LCAP Goals:4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:21 Building – Bond Fund
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:Approve as submitted.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.| #7 - All employees must receive respectful treatment and professional support to achieve district goals.
Submitted By:Shariq Khan, Chief Business Officer

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RFQ/P1/16/2018Backup Material
RFQ/P Addenda1/16/2018Backup Material
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