Item Coversheet


Item Title:Discussion of Long Term School Facilities Plan and Possible School Consolidation (10 Mins/Information)
Item Type:Information/Direction

During recently concluded budget presentations provided to the Board, staff highlighted that student enrollment per classroom teacher is much lower in AUSD than comparison districts, with the most dramatic variance at middle and high schools. At its April 10 meeting, the Board provided direction to staff to contractual class size limits resulting in more consistent class sizes across the District. Public comments made during these meetings requested the Board to explore the consolidation of schools in order to enable the District to provide a salary increase as well as provide a comprehensive secondary program for all students.


Tonight’s presentation focuses on the potential of consolidating Alameda High School and Encinal Junior and Senior High School. Staff is asking the Board to provide direction in exploring a potential consolidation.

AUSD LCAP Goals:4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:This item is presented for information only.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#5 - Accountability, transparency, and trust are necessary at all levels of the organization.
Submitted By:Shariq Khan, Chief Business Officer

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