Item Coversheet


Item Title:Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Alameda Unified School District and Cabrillo Community College District: K12 SWP Biotech Talent Pipeline Grant
Item Type:Consent

Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) secured a K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) Biotech Talent Pipeline Grant from the California Department of Education (CDE). The Biotech Talent Pipeline Grant will be used to support the new Career Technical Education (CTE) Biotechnology pathway at Alameda High School. Three sections of Biotech 1 will be offered at Alameda High School in SY 2019-20.  


The funds will enable Alameda High to conduct Biotech 101 Workshops for all ninth (9th) graders to ensure that all students are aware of the opportunity to select the 2-year biotech pathway after completing their freshman year. Laney College and the Bay Area Bioscience Education Community are also partnering with AUSD to provide Biotech Family Night events. AUSD and Laney College will develop articulation agreements that align with Laney College’s bio-manufacturing program and will enable high school students to receive college credit for completing the courses at Alameda High. Penumbra and Exelixis are two local biotechnology/bio-manufacturing companies that have agreed to provide field trip opportunities and speakers for the biotech classes.

AUSD LCAP Goals:1. Eliminate barriers to student success and maximize learning time.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:01 General Fund
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Total Grant: $145,275.00
Recommendation:Approve as submitted.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#1 - All students have the ability to achieve academic and personal success.| #6 - Allocation of funds must support our vision, mission, and guiding principles.
Submitted By:Chief Academic Officer, Educational Services

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K12 SWP Agreement Between CCCD and AUSD8/20/2019Backup Material