Item Coversheet


Item Title:Resolution 2019-2020.16 Calling for Climate Change Action to Protect Students and Their Families (10 Mins/Action)
Item Type:Action

This agenda item was added as a result of a request from AUSD students to Board Members and Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi. The national message students are spreading is one of advocacy, determination, frustration, and ultimately hope. Please see the national student statement below:


"We, the youth of America, are striking because the science says we have just a few years to transform our energy system, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and prevent the worst effects of climate change. We are striking because our world leaders have yet to acknowledge, prioritize, or properly address our climate crisis. We are striking because marginalized communities across our nation — especially communities of color, disabled communities, and low- income communities— are already disproportionately impacted by climate change. We are striking because if the social order is disrupted by our refusal to attend school, then the system is forced to face the climate crisis and enact change. With our futures at stake, we call for radical legislative action to combat climate change and its countless detrimental effects on the American people. We are striking for the Green New Deal, for a fair and just transition to a 100% renewable economy, and for ending the creation of additional fossil fuel infrastructure. Additionally, we believe the climate crisis should be declared a national emergency because we are running out of time."


AUSD LCAP Goals:2a. Support all students in becoming college and career ready.| 3. Support parent/guardian development as knowledgeable partners and effective advocates for student success.| 4. Ensure that all students have access to basic services.
Fund Codes:
Fiscal Analysis

Amount (Savings) (Cost):

Recommendation:Approve as submitted.
AUSD Guiding Principle:#4 - Parental involvement and community engagement are integral to student success.
Submitted By:Student and Board Member Referral

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Resolution No. 2019-2020.16 Calling for Climate Crisis Response for Alameda Students, Families, and the Community11/6/2019Backup Material