April 28, 2017 - 6:30 PM

Wood Middle School - Multipurpose Room

420 Grand Street Alameda, California 94501

Adjournment will be no later than 10:30 PM for all regular and special meetings, unless extended by a majority vote of the Board. Writings relating to a board meeting agenda item that are distributed to at least a majority of the Board members less than 72 hours before the noticed meeting, and that are public records not otherwise exempt from disclosure, will be available for inspection at the District administrative offices, 2060 Challenger Drive, Alameda, CA. Such writings may also be available on the District's website. (Govt Code 54957.5b).

Individuals who require special accommodations (American Sign Language interpreter, accessible seating, documentation in accessible format, etc.) should contact Kerri Lonergan, Assistant to the Superintendent, at 337-7187 no later than 48 hours preceding the meeting.


Please submit a "Request to Address the Board" slip to Kerri Lonergan, Assistant to the Superintendent, prior to the introduction of the item. For meeting facilitation, please submit the slip at your earliest possible convenience. Upon recognition by the President of the Board, please come to the podium and identify yourself prior to speaking. The Board of Education reserves the right to limit speaking time to three (3) minutes or fewer per individual. Speakers are permitted to yield their time to one other speaker, however no one speaker shall have more than four (4) minutes.
Agenda items: may be addressed after the conclusion of the staff presentation on the item.
VIDEOB.MODIFICATION(S) OF THE AGENDA - The Board may change the order of business including, but not limited to, an announcement that an agenda item will be considered out of order, that consideration of an item has been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and possible action
VIDEO1.Pledge of Allegiance - Board Members will lead the Pledge of Allegiance
VIDEO2.Introduction of Board Members and Staff
VIDEOD.GENERAL BUSINESS – Informational reports and action items are presented under General Business. The public may comment on each item listed under General Business as the item is taken up. The Board reserves the right to limit public comment on General Business items to ten (10) minutes per item. The Board may, with the consent of persons representing both sides of an issue, allocate a block of time to each side to present their issue.
VIDEO1.Presentation Regarding Risks of Soil Liquefaction at Lum Elementary School and Expert Recommendations Regarding Future Site Use (45 Mins/Information)
VIDEO2.Public Comments/Community Input Regarding Presentation on Lum Elementary School Site Issues