Adjourn to Closed Session - 5:30 PM - to discuss:
Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Subdivision 54957.6
Agency designated representatives: Timothy Erwin, Chief Human Resources Officer
Employee organizations: Alameda Education Association (AEA)
Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release - Pursuant to Subdivision 54957:
(1) Release of Temporary Certificated Employees
(2) Non Re-election of Certain Certificated Probationary Employees
Public Employee Performance Evaluation - (Gov. Code, §54957, subd. (b)(1)): Superintendent
Public Employment (Gov. Code, §54957, subd. (b)(1)): General Counsel
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Pursuant to Section 54956.8:
(1) Alameda Point Town Center and Waterfront Block 15(a): Consideration, price, and payment terms. Counterparties: Alameda Point Partners, LP and Education Housing Partners, LP. AUSD authorized negotiator Shariq Khan, Chief Business Officer.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov. Code, §54956.9, subd. (d)(4):
(1) One case
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov. Code, §54956.9, subd. (d)(2):
(1) One case
Confidential Student Matters - Pursuant to CA Education Code Section 35146
Student Discipline/Expulsion/Readmit: